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rehabilitation case management

Minal Shah is our resident Rehabilitation Case Manager.


What is Rehabilitation Case Management? It's the timely provision of appropriate treatment through coordination of services


Let me ask you:


  • Have you ever felt like the right hand wasn’t talking to the left hand?

  • Have you ever felt like all your urgent needs weren’t a priority?

  • Have you ever felt like you were running in every direction trying to find answers?

  • Does it ever feel like in this era of managed care, that while your provider is ‘listening’ to the words you say, they aren’t ‘hearing the words’?

  • If you’re a caretaker for someone who is ill or struggling, do you feel so overwhelmed with the day to day tasks that taking on comprehensive case management and coordination of services feels impossible?


Sometimes, with so much going on, people need assistance getting all of their needs organized, and service providers working in unison.  


A rehabilitation case manager helps you navigate the healthcare system. With a degree that combines medical, pharmacological, and psychological training, a case manager is your liason between all of your treatment providers.


We provide a comprehensive case management approach. We are able to case manage your internist, ob-gyn, rheumatologist, psychiatrist, therapists, endocrinologist, physical therapist, GI doctor, etc.  We will form a comprehensive case file, with updates from all doctors. This case file, with the latest reports summarized (because all too often information is overlooked when there is a lot of it, coming from various directions) so that you can prioritize your needs, and focus on improving your quality of life sooner, rather than later.


Sadly, there are illnesses that take years of doctor visits to diagnose—all while you suffer. All too often, we find in psychiatry that even the most basic illnesses or issues haven’t been ruled out (or in, as the case may be) allowing the patient to work on building a life worth living, instead of fighting their biology.


So how does this work? You come in for a comprehensive assessment, of needs in all pertinent areas of medicine. We draw up a preliminary plan, so that your care is organized, and we can make referrals to providers in the community that are ‘team players’ and have excellent reputations in their fields if necessary.


After that, depending on the intensity of the needs, and the rate with which doctor visits are available, and results become obtainable, we will meet to move forward with the treatment plan and adjust it accordingly.


Specialized psychotherapy to deal with chronic illness, or the ups and downs of attaining helpful healthcare, or coping with the process is also available.


Sometimes, you may find that you are lacking the skills—the right words, how to say something—so that you are heard and taken seriously. Or the providers may feel intimidating. Or your emotions are so overwhelming with the exhaustion of everything you are dealing with. Or, your worry thoughts get in the way of organizing your ideas.


We offer tailored instruction in speaking to  your providers such that you are able to get your needs met, be heard, continue to build a good and strong relationship with your provider, and maintain a healthy self-respect.


It’s time to seek assistance from the branch of medicine whose sole focus is to listen, and hear between the lines.



stop surviving,

savor living, &

start thriving

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